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Filing a Labor Complaint - Absence from work

  • FAQ

  • Service Description

    This service is offered by the Ministry to employers to report the absence of an employee for a period exceeding seven days without the employer being aware of that employee's location and without being able to contact him/her.

  • Target Audience

    Employers, employees

  • Service Procedures

    1. Log in with your username and password or use UAE Pass. (for online/ smart channels only)
    2. Submit a labor complaint by entering the employee's personal information (work permit number or passport number - name, date of birth, nationality), the date of the employee's absence from work, and the establishment's information, using one of the service delivery channels.
    3. Verify the applicant's capacity after entering all the necessary details in accordance with the applicable rules using the electronic signature card by sending an OTP via SMS or email to the applicant's mobile phone, except for requests submitted via the smart application
    4. The competent employee will examine the complaint and take appropriate action.
    5. The outcome of the complaint will be communicated to the customer by text message
  • Required Documents

    1. Employee's entry and exit movement report issued by the Federal Authority for Identity, Residence, and Port Security , provided that the report period does not exceed 30 days from the date of issuance.
    2. Obtain a document indicating the employee's status (inside the country) from the competent authorities if the information did not reach the Ministry's systems.
  • Terms And Conditions

    • Absence from work for a period exceeding seven days within the country must occur.
    • Payment of any fines incurred by reason of late issuance or non-renewal of work permits (if any). 
    • The employee must be present inside the countr
      • In the event that the employer is unaware of the employee's location or can't contact him/her, he/she must report the matter to the Ministry.
      • Work permit is automatically canceled once the application is approved by the ministry, excepted the permits for recruiting employees from abroad and transfer permits.
  • Timing

  • Payment


  • Relation of service with other service

    Federal Authority for Identity, Residence and Ports Security

  • Notes:

    The customer will be notified once the request has been completed. Applicants can follow up on their applications by visiting:

  • Download Form File Name : Form-Filing a Labor Complaint - Absence from work.pdf File size : 2.3 MB File Type : PDF

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