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Cancellation of Work Permits and Employment Contracts

  • FAQ

  • Service Description

    This service is provided by the Ministry to employers wishing to cancel work permits of their employees.

  • Target Audience


  • Service Procedures

    1. Log in with your username and password or use UAE Pass. (for online/ smart channels only)
    2. Submit an application through one of the service delivery channels.
    3. The application will be referred electronically to the Ministry for verification of compliance with the requirements and documents.
    4. Shortfalls will be reported to establishments for completion.
    5. Upon completion of all requirements and documents, will be approved Cancellation of permit/contract
  • Required Documents

    1. Ministry-issued cancellation request form
    2. Attach relevant documents according to the type of cancellation:
      1. Cancellation of a worker outside the country: Residence visa details
      2. Cancellation of the work permit/visa for workers with contagious diseases: medical fitness form (unfit)
      3. Cancellation of an electronic work permit for a deceased worker upon receipt of a death certificate from the relevant authority
      4. Cancellation of the initial approval of a used work permit: both parties must sign the cancellation form
      5. Cancellation of the initial approval of an unused work permit: the cancellation form must include the employer's signature only
      6. Cancellation of electronic work permits: both parties must sign the cancellation form
    3. Cancellation of a worker's residence visa/records following an administrative deportation: Residence visa details
  • Terms And Conditions

    • Payment of any fines incurred by reason of late issuance or non-renewal of work permits (if any). Unused work permits are excluded.
    • An official statement issued by the establishment confirming that the worker's rights, dues and entitlements have been fully satisfied.
    • Employee's signature indicating their agreement to cancellation, and acknowledging receipt of all labor dues. Excluded from this rule are employees who are overseas, deceased, suffering from contagious diseases or employees who have been administratively canceled, after being removed from the Identity, Nationality, Customs and Port Security System.
  • Timing

  • Payment

    • Business Centers commission is capped at 72 dirhams
    • Except for federal charges, the service is free of charge via MOHRE's website and smart app.

    *Please note that the fees shown above do not include tax and collection charges.

  • Relation of service with other service

    Federal Authority for Identity, Residence and Ports Security

  • Notes:

    The customer will be notified once the request has been completed. Applicants can follow up on their applications by visiting:

  • Download Form File Name : Form-Cancellation of Work Permits and Employment Contracts.pdf File size : 3.5 MB File Type : PDF

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