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Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to involve the public in developing and improving its services and policies, topics are periodically raised on the website sharik.ae

Midday work ban

Midday Work Ban

The UAE has pioneered the countries of the region in enforcing the midday work ban under sunlight or in open places. The UAE decree issued in this respect aims at providing decent and appropriate working environs for the laborers besides adopting/ developing the legislations that would safeguard laborers’ rights and interests and keep well-balanced relations with the employers. The decree highlights the UAE leaders’ keenness to launch and implement human initiatives that would truly reflect the UAE culture authentic values.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) has imposed the decree since 2005. It ordered the business entities to provide a midday break for two consecutive months (from beginning of July to end of August) to laborers who work under sun light or in open places. The decree stayed in force until 2009 when the Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, HE Saqr Ghobash, ordered  a survey/ questionnaire be conducted to assess the views of the employees and the employers as regards MOHRE’s plan to extend the banning period for one extra month.

Target of the counsel

Providing decent and appropriate working environs for the laborers besides adopting/ developing the legislations that would safeguard laborers’ rights and interests and keep well-balanced relations with the employers, which will ensure the employers’ interests and demonstrate the authentic values of the UAE culture. And to assess the views of the employees and the employers as regards MOHRE’s plan to extend the banning period for one extra month


Everybody welcomed the initiative, and MOHRE issued a Ministerial Decree banning work on middays under sun light or in open places during the period extending from June 15th until September 15th.

The decree is a remarkable feature of the UAE labor market as far as the preventive measures taken to protect the laborers from the work hazards are concerned - in light of the extreme heat and meteorological conditions prevailing in the GCC countries during middays in summer.  

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