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Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to involve the public in developing and improving its services and policies, topics are periodically raised on the website sharik.ae

Business continuity during the pandemic


The Ministry has an ambitious vision to empower citizens and attract talent in the labour market. To this end, it has continued its efforts to implement the Government's directives aimed at supporting the stability of the labour market and helping to maintain the competitive economy of the United Arab Emirates. It has provided its programs for institutional preparedness and response in crises and emergencies, and developed an institutional framework for the management of its functions and services, ensuring the continuity of its work by promoting the use of electronic and smart systems to obtain services, and developing its institutional working methods to maintain the provision and completion of all types of services to all customers of the Ministry and at the state level. The Ministry also focused on ensuring the rights of individuals in the various groups and the participation of society in the improvement and decision-making processes related to government services. This enabled the ministry to implement the principle of equity and accountability for those affected when there were shortcomings in the implementation of the national program and labour policies regulating the two parties of production. Additionally, it helped them access employment opportunities available in the market and their requirements.

During the COVID 19 crisis, the Ministry was able to overcome the crisis in joint coordination with government agencies, emergency and contingency committees in the country and uniquely ensure continuity of service delivery and enhance institutional flexibility and integration of service delivery channels by linking government related projects and services and continue to provide services round the clock. About 18,036,024,839 transactions in the pandemic were completed through the remote management of institutional work, through the development of services that reach customers on demand, such as the "delivery vehicle" service, the provision of its procedural services through the call centre as the "labour dispute resolution" service, and the automatic registration to a "free hotline" where labour complaints are received and settled within 48 hours, then reviewed by legal experts before being referred to the competent courts if no settlement is reached. In addition, the "virtual labour market" smart platform was introduced to allow registration and search for an alternative job opportunity that companies announce to job seekers during the crisis in the market, and as a "smart supplement" to the labour contract that helps ensure that all parties comply with Labour Relations Regulation Law and related legislation, thereby preserving all rights of the parties concerned and reducing the number of labour disputes and complaints. The programme has helped to promote the use of smart e-services to implement the government's directives and improve the country's position in the use of technology and innovation. The impact of these measures will be reflected in the Global Competitiveness Index, which considers innovation and technology as one of its pillars and in which the UAE is ranked 25th in 2019.



This consultation aims to monitor opinions and proposals to develop mechanisms that support the Ministry's business continuity system, preserve the rights of both parties to production, and provide the best services to stakeholders in the labour market to support the UAE's competitiveness in addressing global challenges and crises.

Eexpected Decisions of implementation

Innovative mechanisms, work systems and various channels that support the business continuity of the Ministry in the labour market at all times


nnovative mechanisms, work systems and various channels that support the business continuity of the Ministry in the labor market at all times

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